Friday, July 25, 2008

St. Francis - Day Four, Hospital Visit - 7 Days 2 Hours

Hello, Friends, Neighbors and Strangers! This picture was taken of me an hour or so ago here at St Francis.

I am doing fairly well. Dr. Kellar is not looking to release me today or tomorrow even though on the Amy scale I am between an "__X__ ok & a __X__ kinda good" & the pain scale is a 4-5. He is wanting to get the pain issue much lower before I report back to work on Thursday...because trust me, I will be reporting to work on Thursday. We're just trying to avoid another trip to the ER.

The problem last Friday was that the pain level got out of control. So off to the Cox South Er Amy & I went This snap shot was taken at the end of ER visit 1, when the pain was gone & I looked at Amy and said, "I should have brought my camera." Hence, both of our phones came out.

We went home (she & Marc's) around 10:00 pm ate watermelon, took some medicine and was going to get some rest and come back home (mine) on Saturday am. Hah, hah. Like I told Marilyn later, John Steinbeck may have had the filthiest mouth on the planet, but he had one Spiritual concept aptly put..."the best laid plans of mice and men." Loosely translated, if you want to see God laugh, tell him your plans.

ER trip 2 to Cox took place around 5:30 Saturday morning. This visit changed to Hospital Admission #1 later Saturday morning and my sister & BIL came up. Here's my cute lil' sister posing in my Hospital Room

It took until Tues morning to get my pain stabilized. I was discharged, my BIL drove back to SPFD to follow us back to Tulsa. We went straight to St. Francis where Dr. Kellar (who should be nominated as the world's greatest oncologist had my orders waiting at the admitting desk. So three hours after I was discharged from Cox I was admitted to St Francis and was sitting in my private room connected to my new pain pump.

Since, Thursday my pain level has been fairly consistent below 5 with just a few forays at 6 or above. I really thought that Keller would have discharged me, but it seems that even though I feel my pain is tolerable, he wants it under more control. I will be here at least another night and possibly Saturday as well.

I have had several tests, met with a pain management RN (she is working with my med list and some other things), a gastrointerologist, a dietitian, and a neurologist. These guys are working with Dr. K to develop a pain management plan that I feel will be manageable for me at work and they feel comfortable with the actual pain level.

Believe it or not I think we will be there by Monday afternoon and I will be ready to work part of Wednesday, so that I will be ready to start my contract on Thursday.

Love You Guys!

1 comment:

Cinda said...

Keep in mind that the hospital staff let the grumpiest patient go home first.... so quit being pleasant .. it will improve your chances of an early discharge! :)

I love you girl and I am looking forward to seeing you!